Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Just Today

I have just realised that my posts have been getting longer.

Anyway, today there was Ms Seng telling us about the blog issue which was on the Straits Time yesterday. Ms Seng told us about some bloggers (5 girls) who wear their skirts too short. Then they were scolded by their teacher, but they were those rebelious kind, and they commented on the teacher's scolding on their blog, and said all kinds of bad things towards their teacher, e.g the teacher was jealous of their beauty, jealous of them wearing their skirts that way. In the end, the 5 girls were severely punished, and suspended from school for 3 days.

There was also this boy from a certain school residing in Bishan, saying ( in his blog) bad things about his school. This was also brought to immediate attention, and disciplinary actions were taken.

Next comes Science. Recently, we have been watching videos as there are no more examinations for that subject. We watched something about building the tallest building in the world, and the longest and largest ship that is able to accomodate many people at once. The construction fee is very high, so they have trouble building it. As mentioned in the video, since the comstruction fee is so high, the price to even spend a night abord the ship will cost a bomb, so not many people can afford to live there, so there will be no profit, so... Overall, the video is interesting.

Mr Quek went through some of the compositions written by some of my classmates. Actually, we went through three, the first about Supreme Commander Kia Wee avenging his dead father, killing the king. The second is about some crummy worm in the mango. I find that hard to write, as there's not many things you can write about this topic, hence the group came up with an idea - dreaming. They wrote about the guy being a worm, then waking up to find it all a dream. Mr Quek said that it was way out of the point, and they would have to rewrite.

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