Sunday, April 30, 2006


Yesterday was a very hot day. It also happened to be the GEP open house that the iCouncil and the iCMG first organised together. The OSes were Yong Quan (iCouncil side) and Jia Wei (iCMG side, also happens to be my badminton senior o.O ).

I soon found out that I was an usher stationed at Blk B from Taylor after coming late for the briefing at 7.40 (I came to school at 7.20 and took several turns to find the ops room). So I positioned myself there with a never ending smile =). I must admit that it was quite early in the morning and no one came, so it was boring. Then after a while parents started filling in and I guess we all had a whale of our time trying to usher the parents.

Some of the parents were quite friendly, while a rare minority were quite unfriendly. However, it still went well and I even shook the hands of a parent. My role is to usher the parents to the clock tower then pass the time to Jay who is sort of stationed there.

After some time most of the parents came, so I returned to the Ops room to slack. Then someone suggested playing cards and so we started several games of Big 2. It was bad though - we are not supposed to be playing cards and returning to the Ops room at all. I found HY and we went to the poolside restaurant to grab some snacks, erm actually ice cream. Seems pointless to eleborate more, but I bought a cookie crumble flavoured ice cream and ate on the way up. We met Lester and he was busy spamming the vending machine, at the same time carrying many packets of Mamee noodles. He was actually buying for other people in the Ops room.

Nearing the end of the event Ushers were needed at the refreshments area - food =) . Taylor and I were the only ushers left in the Ops room. Our role is to inform the parents who are queueing at the students section to proceed to the adults section, and to inform the students who are queueing at the parents section to proceed to the students' section. It went well.

Soon, there were a shortage of parents to attend the Students' Sharing Session or the Parents' Tours. Everyone went to inform the parents of the events. Then I went back to the globe area and found a family of 3 looking lost. I approached them and ... they asked me where was the registration place and was there a talk in the Auditorium. Obviously they just came.

Oh no...

I duno what to tell them. So instead I just went back to the Ops room and rest.

After the debrief I ate with Ivan at poolside and went home shortly.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


I do not know what to blog about today.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Today was quite good. I came to school early to sweep the floor? Ok, ok, I reached school at about 6.50 or 6.55 I forgot which, then I started SWEEPING. Why? To make up for Thursday - I forgot to do duty. Afraid to be fined. Ahh, Jay is getting more serious.

Lessons. We were taught about ionic bonds. Confusing, lucky to have a pro sitting beside me (Taylor) who clears my doubt. End of Science, next comes Mr Krison's period, wheee. We - oh crap I forgot what we did. Let's move on.

During recess I bought the usual chicken pie from the usual store in the usual canteen where we usually buy our food.

We went to LT3 during Chinese. Found out that there were students from nan shan sec school. Yay. I was sitting beside a nan shan sec school student o.O. I said hi. He also said hi. The students got ready some presentations and I was suprised that they did not have much of a special chinese slang for chinese students, just like Singaporeans. Their Chinese was good, speaking fluently and occasionally peering around.

Hmmm. Maths time! Think of Mdm Tham. Ok, today I think the rest of the ILP groups presented. Some were confusing like the Standard Deviation, guess I have to consult Mdm Tham or Benjy.

I rushed down to the canteen and bought a curry pie then quickly rushed up for Geography lesson. Ms Foo covered the water resources topic today. It was good and I followed her till someone cracked a joke somewhere. Then Ms Foo asked me what she said previously. Guess I will have to pay more attention in future. :(

Com studies time. We were told profusely by Mr Cheong about what will be tested. Study hard, do revision often. Nothing much after that, then we went to have lunch at the canteen with pnghy and taylor. I went for badminton shortly.