Friday, November 10, 2006


I am back to blogging after some time. This post will cover mainly what happened during the school holidays, and what I am going to blog about soon.

Firstly, I realised that holidays are meaningless without company, excluding my bed. So I checked the EMB for something I could indeed doodle about. Ok, i chose SMRP (science) for the special programmes next year. It wasn't the best choice around, but I am quite happy with it. Second choice was EP. Entrepeu-thingy programme. Perhaps I wanted to try something that's new. Actually everything is new to me. Nevermind. I duno why I put that either. What I know is that Taylor chose EP, and Pnghy chose BSP, which is exactly what brings me to the next topic.

Most likely 2L will be split up next year. OK, there's no banquet that never cease. end. Whatever you call it. And no worries ever end too. But forget that. I must say I treasured the time in 2L. With all of the 2Leans. Whee. Time flies faster than a brick. Come to think of it, I hadnt been in touch with many people since the holidays stared. Only ppl like lkh, andric and taylor. Sigh. Diwi perhaps. (gaming spree...)

Since I forgot the next topic that I wanted to blog about, I will automatically skip to the next one -- about the iCouncil 'n iCMG retreat to Cameron Highlands. Most people didn't go for the retreat though. About 4 people from 2L went. Sigh. Anyways it was great. We stayed in Strawberry Park Hotel. My room-mates were Lester and Benjy. Cool combination. We spent 2 nights in the hotel. I slept at 10pm on the first night and 2.30am on the second night. Ok u can call it morning.

For this week, there will be nothing to look forward to, probably except playing com games and staring at the poker cards I bought from Cameron Highlands. Argh. Anyways I realised that friendships improve somewhat in the hols. lol gaming spree o.o I have become better friends with several people in 2L. Whee. That's a good thing.

That's all for now. I doubt the readership of this blog but anyway its a personal diary. Oh dear. That reminds me of the NYAA booklet that I have stashed randomly in the blue coloured bag I always bring to piano lessons, for my teacher to sign and give comments. Which is like early time to hand up NYAA. oh wells. I will be writing a class testimonial soon, probably around this week or so, and also blog about the retreat at Cameron Highlands in detail.

I wish everyone a happy and fruitful holidays. =)

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