Got back from Beijing few days ago.
The weather there is cold and dry, hence I'll need to apply moisturizer for my dry skin. Now trying to get used to the hot and humid Singapore weather.
Oh ya, the BSC ppl and me returned to class the next day. Lots of things to catch up, considering that we have been missing lessons with the rest of my classmates for 2 weeks. Luckily for us some of the topics are covered in our stay in China, though i still have to complete the huge pile of homework waiting for me.
Today's the 2nd Day, and things have been going well. School life is back to normal, with the exception of new teachers (for us). Maths is taught by LeeTK, whom I find is a fine teacher. Chemistry, ChuaCheeLC, and she's quite fierce. Had the first practicals' of the year for Chemistry today, just after lunch, and we did titration. wth? I almost threw everything i learnt last year back at the teacher le. Lesson was fast-paced, leaving us no time for a break.
Maybe this was to let us get used to the hasty and hectic Sec 4 year.
New timetable is weird. For today we have recess after the first period in the morning, at 0840, and lunch break at 12pm. I really felt blur in school today, duno what to do, when and where our next lesson is. I'll need some time to adjust.
IHC, by Viviensim. She's fine. taught me in Sec 1 before, hope that she remembers me. for IHE history, we have TeoCM. Her lessons are loud. we covered the Cold War, causes, etc. First day of school I found out that I have missed out on a lot of stuff covered, so I managed to go through the history textbook and did some reading up. Ok la, quite manageable, though honestly speaking, History is my favourite subject, and the best History lessons I had was with slim last year.
We went through double period of biology, taught by OonHL. Cool, she taught me before too, last year. So basically we covered respiration, and next up will be excretion. English was Joyce Lim, and i feel that she's fine too.
Went to collect NRIC in the afternoon. Wow, time really flies, and we're already the most senior batch in HCI (high school). What will JC be like next year?
Feeling a bit tired, and emo, after returning from Beijing. Maybe its the "Beijing Blues". Missed everyone there, and while im there I missed everyone in Singapore.
That's all for now, cya!